Sunday, February 7, 2010

Report on the KP Half Marathon


13.1 Miles in sunny (for once) San Francisco!

1:45:48 Clock Time
1:43:45 Chip Time

I beat my time from last year!

And now...some rest.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tapering it down for a bit...

I imagine a super-detailed report of my training regimen isn't too exciting to read, so I thought I'd give it a different bit of life. Here's an account of my trail run from Sunday:

So, I did what was supposed to be an 8.22 mile loop around Redwood Regional Park in Oakland (it's the "Bike Loop" in the lower right insert of the trail map). However, I took a wrong turn near the end that added nearly a mile for me to backtrack to the start/end point. Whoops.

The start up the Canyon Trail was pretty straight forward...up. It was a pretty steep and steady climb. My technique for dealing with hills is to maintain my breathing effort to be the same as on flat surface. Thereby conserving energy when I do reach the top.

The East Ridge trail opens up to the canyon below, giving a spanse view of the landscape and trees below. I ran around 1:00p, so the sun was bathing me in its light. Towards the south end of the loop, where the East and West Ridge trail meet, I stop for a few sips of water from a fountain. I then continue off the West Ridge trail.

The West Ridge trail has more tree cover. And because of that, more puddles and mud that have yet to dry from our recent showers. A few street crosses are also along the trail, breaking up the scenic route. You do pass by the Chabot Space and Science Center, which is kinda cool. After that, there is a bit of a downgrade. And if you open your stride just a little bit to let gravity take control, it gets FAST. I was afraid I'd hit patches of mud, which would cause me to wipeout at what seemed like high-speed. I did apply the brakes a few times just to gather myself. If I was racing, I probably wouldn't have. Just past the severe downhills, I take the designated detour off the Baccharis trail.

The Baccharis trail was pretty mellow. Gentle downgrades maintained my momentum without freaking me out. I even saw a former Ironworks pilates teacher on the trail (Hi Kendall!). Some rather large and long puddles along the trail slowed me down a bit as I didn't want to wade into the water; I trudged gently around them, brush smacking me in the face.

I eventually merge back onto the West Ridge trail...and then I hear what sounds like a bicyclist gaining on me. I look back, and it's another runner! Ohhhh no you don't! So I pick up a bit of speed as the trail cruises downhill. I make enough distance so I don't hear her anymore. I arrive at the fork of the Bridle trail and the Streams trail. Vaguely remembering the loop designation saying Bridle, I take that down...down...down...this doesn't seem right...down...back to the Stream bicycles beyond Trail's End? Isn't this supposed to be a bike loop? I check a map at a trail sign and lo and behold...I should've went down the Stream trail when I first met it, and sauntered back to the Canyon Meadow staging area, where I started.

Okay, so I back track, and finish; all the while slightly annoyed I missed the turn. All in all it was a good run. I wasn't intending to break any speed records; I was just running at an "exploratory" pace. Needless to say, add in getting lost and it took me nearly two hours to finish. Well, this was also to right my mind for the Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon coming up on February 7th. Yep, that's this Sunday.

And for now...

I'm tapering it down a bit this week, and carb-loading-ish. I did do a bit of a quads/legs and shoulders workout today, just to breakup the mess that I put my body through on Sunday. It looked like this:

36" box jumps (15,25,15)
Single-legged squats - hanging off the edge of the box (10,10,10)
Bodyweight squats - (25,25)

8kg kettlebell clean and press (20,20,20)
10lbs Lateral raise to front, front to lateral raise (12,12)

Core Circuit:
Sitting Monkey
Side plank with leg swing
Bird dogs
Front plank
Side plank
Bird dogs
Front plank w/ alternating straight arm
Russian twists
Front plank w/ alternating elbow to knee tucks (aka X-overs)

Shoulder-rotator cuff exercises set.

That's all folks. My ankle is a bit sore from all the trail running. I'll be taking it easy tomorrow. Maybe take a yoga class.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Now, that was unexpected

Before work yesterday, I went for a short run (~2.5ish miles) with my friend. In the process, she lost her breakfast...and I don't mean misplaced like a set of keys.

My bad. I didn't mean to push her that hard.

In the evening, I went to Dr. Johanna Lelke's well-attended injury prevention lecture for runners at Innersport Chiropractic. She talked about how to properly warm-up, cross-train/condition, and stretch for injury-free running. While I have a routine going, I did learn something from the lecture: such as targeting ankles, knees, core, and glutes for conditioning. I already work larger and compound muscle groups as well as core, but I should keep those specific areas in mind. I also volunteered to perform examples of squats and some core exercises. If I had known it would've been more interactive, I wouldn't have worn movement restricting jeans. Ah, be stylish and fit at the same time, eh?

Ok...time for a gym workout. Reports on that later.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Slacking, hanging, and hurting

Whoops! Looks like I haven't updated this in a week! What did I do, what did I do?

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

Finished a V4 by the Mushroom. And then climbed mostly roped routes. And fell off a 5.10b on lead after an hour of climbing. Man-oh-man...I'm in need of reconditioning. I gotta figure out how to conserve energy...or just not climb overhangs when I'm pumped.

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

Ran ~4.5miles in the rain. W00t! That's about it.

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Not exactly a "fitness" routine, but I jugged up fixed lines at GWPC to photograph the comp. Pain ensued.

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

Did my shoulder rehab/workout after work.

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

A little bit of back, a little bit of quads.

5x5 Squats w/ 185lbs
20 - 2' squat jumps right after last set
5x5 Pullups +10lbs
2x10 Bulgarian split squats +50lbs (each leg)
2x10 Single-armed rows, elbow out +25lbs (each arm)

And then my shoulder routine.

Whew! Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do today.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Bonus points if you can tell me whose slogan is that.

Another round of leg work today...

5 x 5 reps

Reverse lunges
+50lbs x 10 reps
+60lbs 3 x 10 reps

Single-legged swiss ball glute/ham raises
3 x 10 reps (each leg)

Core circuit
3 cycles
Sitting monkey - 1 minute
Cable Core Press - +40lbs x 10 (each side)
X-tucks - 10 reps (each side)
Birddogs - 10 reps (each side)

Annnnnnnnnd, the rotator cuff/shoulder exercise rehab, I'll spell out what it is for once:
Resistance band internal rotation - 2 x 10 reps (each side)
Resistance band external rotation - 2 x 10 reps (each side)
Straight-arm lateral resistance band low internal rotation - 2 x 10 reps (each side)
Straight-arm lateral resistance band low external rotation - 2 x 10 reps (each side)
Push-up plus w/ feet on swiss ball - 2 x 10 reps
Side plank w/ hip dips on stability disc - 2 x 10 reps (each side)
Blackbird 1 dumbbell pull down - 2 x 10 reps (each side)
Blackbird 2 dumbbell pull down - 2 x 10 reps (each side)
Reverse fly - 2 x 10 reps
"Door frame" scapula retraction - 2 x 10 reps

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Diesel FIT, weekend edition

The weekend is no time to slack off and gorge on ice cream!

Climbed roped routes

Chest exercise:
Ring pushups 3 x 10reps
Bodyweight dips 3 x 10reps
Incline dumbbell press 3 x 10 reps 30lbs
Telle flys 3 x 12 reps, 15 lbs

Still taking it easy because of the shoulder.

Interval run

Mild warmup
2 x 30s w/ 30s off
2 x 60s w/ 60s off
2 x 90s w/ 90s off
2 x 120s w/ 120s off

Let's see what the new week brings.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Run, run, run your boat...wait a....

Ran ~5.4 miles today. Averaged an 8:20 pace, which is kinda slow for me.

I also realized the Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon is in 3 weeks. Thinking, "why not?" I register for it. Yayz...I'm crazy. I essentially have 2 weeks to crank myself back into shape.

Seriously, don't try this at home, kids.